Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Definition of School Essay

Definition of School Essay Definition of School Essay Children have been going to school for years and years now. The school that people think of and what it really is today has changed completely. When school comes to mind you think of kids going to school and getting an education. The safety of your children and knowing that they could go to school and you would be able to see them again when they return home. I am sure that every parent dreams of there child going to school and someday graduating and going onto college to make a better life for themselves. Another is drugs, I bet those were not big in schools twenty years ago. Well now the definiton of school has completely changed and nothing is the same. Now in schools there is a high rate of crime and drugs. Kids are doing drugs in school at such a young age now. I graduated in 2009 and I remember kids getting busted for some of the most stuipd things that you could ever think of. Kids were â€Å"snorting† house hold chemicals or even super glue to get a high, then they wou ld bring it into school and get other students to try it in the bathrooms on breaks or at lunch. You also have the typical drugs like marijua and perscription pain killers are being brought to school by student who are even as young as the seventh grade. Kids are also bringing alcohol to school and trying to drink it throughout the day and sharing with other children. The drugs and drinking in the public school systems has changed so much. Now schools are having to do random lock downs and bringing in police dogs and having the school searched for all of the substances in the school. I tell my parents about what I saw in school and they never ever thought of that happening and said how much school has changed in the twenty years they have been out of school. Bullying has always happened in school but now it has come to an all time high. Kids are getting bullied so bad that children are now taking matters into there own hands, not being able to get the help that they need and taking there own lives because of kids at school. Also they would take matters into their own hands in a different way and bring weapons to school and try and kill the other student or students who are bullying them. I know that when I went to school students always just wanted to fight and coming from a good quite community I still could not believe that this was happening. The family of a Flour Bluff teen who killed himself after being bullied will never be able to see their son graduate. They say its only brought more painful memories of what Teddy Molina experienced before his death. Teddy shot and killed himself April 1, 2012, just one month after he withdrew from the Flour Bluff School District because of bullying . Since then, his family has been advocating awareness on bullying (Reyes). They found some letters written by Teddy talking about the bullying they blame on their son's death. Kids are mean and now with all of the stigmas you have out in society today it is making kids crazy. If you come to school and you are not up to date on the latest trends and what is cool you are profiled by all the other students. In school you have many different groups like cool kids, jocks, nerds, band geeks, theatre group and all sorts of other groups and if you don’t fit into that group they just completely ignore everyone outside of the groups. I know that these types of groups have always been in high schoo,l but the attitudes have changed and the actions. Now they are bullying other people who are not part of there group and a life ends up having to be taken, something that people would never think would happen. Schools now are trying to educate students and staff on bullying and what to be able to do if you see bullying or the one being bullied. Some of the activies now to show students about this issue is internet research to look up the different types of bullying, how to prevent it, and show kids how to be able to respond. Presentations are now given in school such as role

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Free Essays on Republican Nominee George W. Bush’s Education Plan

Republican Nominee George W. Bush’s Education Plan Teachers, Student Testing, and Higher Education Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush has proposed an education reform plan, which focuses on the youth of America, as a major part of his 2000 campaign. The proposed education plan, if enacted, would cost approximately $47 billion over a period of ten years. The major goal of Bush’s education agenda focuses on giving and maintaining states control of the education system, rather than promoting federal control of the educational system. Accountability is a key factor in the proposed education plan. Through the educational reform, the Bush campaign will create and support school voucher programs, mandatory student testing, and easier access to higher education institutions, among other measures which will attempt to promote and raise education standards across the United States, while holding states accountable for their overall improvements ( The emphasized goal of this reform will be to raise education standards, and thus raise student rates of meeting these higher standards. According to Governor Bush, â€Å"America today is in an education recession. Standards are not high enough; performance is not strong enough,† as stated during his PBS Address on Education, 10/30/2000. (Http:// Mr. Bush’s overall statement concerning the issue of education, found on the website,, outlines major aspects of the education reform which he supports including: Empowering parents with information comparing their child’s school with other state schools. Empowering parents with the choice of schools their child may attend. Expanding education savings accounts for parents with an increase in allowance of annual contributions. Improving state charter schools through a Charter School Homestead Fund. &#... Free Essays on Republican Nominee George W. Bush’s Education Plan Free Essays on Republican Nominee George W. Bush’s Education Plan Republican Nominee George W. Bush’s Education Plan Teachers, Student Testing, and Higher Education Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush has proposed an education reform plan, which focuses on the youth of America, as a major part of his 2000 campaign. The proposed education plan, if enacted, would cost approximately $47 billion over a period of ten years. The major goal of Bush’s education agenda focuses on giving and maintaining states control of the education system, rather than promoting federal control of the educational system. Accountability is a key factor in the proposed education plan. Through the educational reform, the Bush campaign will create and support school voucher programs, mandatory student testing, and easier access to higher education institutions, among other measures which will attempt to promote and raise education standards across the United States, while holding states accountable for their overall improvements ( The emphasized goal of this reform will be to raise education standards, and thus raise student rates of meeting these higher standards. According to Governor Bush, â€Å"America today is in an education recession. Standards are not high enough; performance is not strong enough,† as stated during his PBS Address on Education, 10/30/2000. (Http:// Mr. Bush’s overall statement concerning the issue of education, found on the website,, outlines major aspects of the education reform which he supports including: Empowering parents with information comparing their child’s school with other state schools. Empowering parents with the choice of schools their child may attend. Expanding education savings accounts for parents with an increase in allowance of annual contributions. Improving state charter schools through a Charter School Homestead Fund. &#...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Frankenstein-Vol.3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Frankenstein-Vol.3 - Essay Example In brief, Victor who is the creator of an evil creature now wants to get rid of him but he could not do so as the creature has constantly kept an eye on him. The creature wants Victor to create a female for him just like he created him joining pieces of several corpses. He gets threatening notes from the creature that in case of failure to do so; the creature will not let Victor marry Elizabeth. Victor has become the creatures "slave," and his life is entirely of the creatures design. It is no longer clear who is the creator, who the creation. Victor, after experiencing several phases of fear and depression within him decides to fulfill the desire of the creature but Frankenstein is repulsed by the thought that the two monsters might beget children; thereby creating a new race that could ultimately destroy all humanity. Victor decides that unleashing such a bane upon mankind would be of the utmost selfishness and tears the half finished creature (bride of creature) into pieces. The c reature upon knowing about the broken promise intimidate Victor with a chilling promise that the creature would be with him on his wedding night. The creature murdered his friend ‘Henry’ and Victor was held responsible for his murder. Victor lies in a delirium of fever and confusion. When Victor finally emerges from his delirium he immediately asks after the safety of Elizabeth. His fathers presence slowly begins to regain his health and after getting through such a dilemma, he marry Elizabeth but just before his wedding night, Elizabeth was murdered and ruined by the creature. Mary Shelley wants the reader to realize that no human has the power to create another being and if it becomes possible, the resultant would nothing but the evil who will, unlike humans not consider his creator to be his master. I, however agree with this fact that only God has the power to create beings, therefore they could not threaten him. I agree upon the truth the writer wanted the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Baseball in the United States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Baseball in the United States - Essay Example Americans were not used to aristocracy and as a result, they had to choose from a wide range of activities that made them happy. It is of paramount importance to note that baseball can be played by everyone regardless of age, sex, or gender as opposed to soccer, which must be played by physically fit players. Although baseball balls are cheaper than soccer balls, the latter involves more players and spectators because it is played in an open space (Guttmann, 2012). Most modern sports are timed, but baseball can go on if there is competition because the weaker team tries its best to retire the better side. This makes baseball more interesting to American society because everybody is involved. American society is used to have a democratic way of life and they find this in baseball. Although admirers of golf, soccer, and football believe that the games are democratic, baseball fans see it as the most democratic game the world has ever seen. European and other societies view baseball as a boring game because of the interruptions, which occur during the game, but it has to be understood that the interruptions give the spectator enough time to calculate the arithmetic involved in the game. This is unlike other games such as soccer and football, which are continuous (Guttmann, 2012). According to Ross (2012), baseball is a pastoral game that creates a feeling of harmony to the spectator; it is worth noting that the game takes one from the bustle and hustle of city life to a traditional setting.  

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Summary of IAS 18 Essay Example for Free

Summary of IAS 18 Essay Revenue: the gross inflow of economic benefits (cash, receivables, other assets) arising from the ordinary operating activities of an entity (such as sales of goods, sales of services, interest, royalties, and dividends). [IAS 18.7] Measurement of Revenue Revenue should be measured at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable. [IAS 18.9] An exchange for goods or services of a similar nature and value is not regarded as a transaction that generates revenue. However, exchanges for dissimilar items are regarded as generating revenue. [IAS 18.12] If the inflow of cash or cash equivalents is deferred, the fair value of the consideration receivable is less than the nominal amount of cash and cash equivalents to be received, and discounting is appropriate. This would occur, for instance, if the seller is providing interest-free credit to the buyer or is charging a below-market rate of interest. Interest must be imputed based on market rates. [IAS 18.11] Recognition of Revenue Recognition, as defined in the IASB Framework, means incorporating an item that meets the definition of revenue (above) in the income statement when it meets the following criteria: †¢ it is probable that any future economic benefit associated with the item of revenue will flow to the entity, and †¢ the amount of revenue can be measured with reliability IAS 18 provides guidance for recognising the following specific categories of revenue: Sale of Goods Revenue arising from the sale of goods should be recognised when all of the following criteria have been satisfied: [IAS 18.14] †¢ the seller has transferred to the buyer the significant risks and rewards of ownership †¢ the seller retains neither continuing managerial involvement to the degree usually associated with ownership nor effective control over the goods sold †¢ the amount of revenue can be measured reliably †¢ it is probable that the economic benefits associated with the transaction will flow to the seller, and †¢ the costs incurred or to be incurred in respect of the transaction can be measured reliably Rendering of Services For revenue arising from the rendering of services, provided that all of the following criteria are met, revenue should be recognised by reference to the stage of completion of the transaction at the balance sheet date (the percentage-of-completion method): [IAS 18.20] †¢ the amount of revenue can be measured reliably; †¢ it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the seller; †¢ the stage of completion at the balance sheet date can be measured reliably; and †¢ the costs incurred, or to be incurred, in respect of the transaction can be measured reliably. When the above criteria are not met, revenue arising from the rendering of services should be recognised only to the extent of the expenses recognised that are recoverable (a cost-recovery approach. [IAS 18.26] Interest, Royalties, and Dividends For interest, royalties and dividends, provided that it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the enterprise and the amount of revenue can be measured reliably, revenue should be recognised as follows: [IAS 18.29-30] †¢ interest: using the effective interest method as set out in IAS 39 †¢ royalties: on an accruals basis in accordance with the substance of the relevant agreement †¢ dividends: when the shareholders right to receive payment is established Disclosure

Friday, November 15, 2019

AIDS :: AIDS Essays

In 1918 the United States experienced one of the worst epidemics in its history. With 500,000 dead in a matter of 6 months, the Spanish influenza left its mark. With approximately 11.7 million dead worldwide, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome(AIDS) is still leaving its mark. It is a pandemic the likes of which the world has always feared to see.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The HIV virus comes in several varieties, yet they kill basically the same. Our understanding of this virus and how it works is essential to finding its cure, and to preventing its spread. Who it affects and the reasons for its spreading are also important to fight against it. And finally, what can be done to treat and prevent it is essential.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  According to the World Health Organization we began to see what AIDS truly was in the late 1970’s to early 80’s, mostly in men and women with multiple sex partners located in East and Central Africa, but also in bisexuals and homosexuals in specific urban areas of the Americas, Ausrtalasia and Western Europe. Aids was and is spread still through infected hypodermic needles which drug abusers are affected by, but also through transfusion of the blood and its components. And sadly, whenever a mother is infected, the unborn child will almost positively receive the virus before, during, or after the pregnancy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The viruses which cause AIDS, otherwise known as Human Immunodeficiecy Viruses(HIV) were first discovered in 1983 cooperatively by Dr. Robert Gallo of the National Cancer Institute and Dr. Luc Montagnier of the Pasteur Institute in France. Aids is caused mainly by the HIV-1 virus, while the HIV-2 virus is less pronounced among those infected. Scientists are puzzled as to why this dominant HIV-1 virus has 10 different genetic subtypes, some think that it is so the virus will survive no matter what.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  HIV is part of a group of viruses called retroviruses. This category basically describes how the virus transmits and reproduces itself. Which is to say that upon entering the body the virus attaches itself to a T-4 cell(T-Helper cell), which is the type of cell that marks the bad things in our body so that another cell, the B-lymphocyte, can activate the production of antibodies, which are what would normally kill the virus. So, after attaching itself to this cell it then injects its viral replicating DNA in, which then copies itself

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Rape and Behavioral Changes Essay

In this century, the term rape is common in every part of the world. According to a Firstpost. India, (2013), approximately 68,000 rape cases were reported alone in India during 2009-2012. But only 16,000 cases were sentenced. This shows how serious the rape cases are. Nowadays in different parts of the country, where these types of crimes are increasing, woman’s live in fear. They have no idea where, when or whom will attack them. For anyone it can be the most torturing and disgusting that would happen in their life. Rapists should be punished in such a way that no one else would ever think about committing a rape. But, without harsh actions, the situation will not improve and women’s protection will stay as an incomplete hallucination. Firstly, people should learn how to take such cases seriously, most importantly police. It can be one of the easiest ways to reduce such crimes. Some people say that, rape is not equal to murder, so death penalty is not suitable for this. In my opinion those people who commit this crime does not deserve any respect to live. It is because, the victim suffers a lot throughout her life, and they lose trust and self confidence in themselves. Victims try to suicide or they are even murdered, moreover effects on children due to physical attack, and other kinds of social complications. The victim suffers a lot through her life due to rape. Since the childhood, children are told to ignore strangers who offers them sweets, as for teenagers in this century, they need to be very careful who they have relationships with, it will not be too difficult to understand what I am saying. As there is news everywhere about some close friend or someone who you believe as a family member raped someone. According to Barker (2012), 73% of sexual assaults are committed by someone the victim knows somehow. And two-thirds of rapes are committed by someone well-known to the victim. Everyone’s life is valuable, no one have the right to take the life from them. Pregnancy and other kinds of physical damages are suffered by victims. If the victim is alive, remembrance of such assaults is tormenting. This may even lead to brain damages. So due to this those people who commit the murder have no right to live. Secondly, when someone goes through such kinds of mistreatment, the victim find it difficult to trust anyone. They wish to stay alone; in addition the victim loses him or her self-confidence. In order to continue their life, a lot of self-confidence is important. Or else there will not be any success in life, rather down-fall. They may even feel angry and shame, due to this they may try to seek revenge. This may lead to unexpected downfall in the society. Thus, the whole future of the victim is ruined, because in most of the cases the victim is ignored by the society. Some people believe that hanging the rapist, will not stop them. But in my opinion they will step back, this will reduce the crime rate. At the same time, victims commit suicide or they are even murdered. According to Mulugeta, Kassave & Berhane (1998), In Ethiopia, 6% of raped schoolgirls reported having attempted suicide. Now think how much it might have increased until 2013. Victims feel humiliated to talk about what had happened to them. And rapists murder the victim inorder to hide their mistake. Or else they want to unidentified. Letting the rapists walk freely will result in, repeating of such cases by the same person. This will lead to fear in the society. You may see in everyday news, people protesting against the rapists. But the justice is not given to these people. In contrast, physical attack on children or infants may lead to different problems such as, anxiety, behavioral changes, depression, eating disorders, school learning problems and many more. This might affect the growth of the child. Ancestral rape has been shown to be one of the supreme life threatening forms of juvenile distress, a trauma that repeatedly does serious and long-standing emotional loss, mainly in the incident of maternal incest. A murder is like abolishing the physical frame of the victim such as rape degrades the helpless life of the victim. To this end, there are many social problems faced due to such cases. It could spread dangerous diseases, such as HIV. This is a fact that should not be ignored. Moreover, if these people are set free, chances of increase in crime rates is high. For example, the rapists go into the jail due to committing this crime, but he is let out after few weeks or years, then the first think in his mind will be taking the revenge from that person who let him into the jail. This is a fact that everyone believes. In addition, social problems, like murder will occur. The parent or anyone closer to the victim, may murder the rapists. This will lead to many other problems which do not have an end. To conclude, letting the rapists walk freely is dangerous for both society and the victim. Since we have no idea what type of a crime will he commit next. Similarly, crime that rapists commit cannot be forgiven, they should be hanged. Since, due to such crime, the victim suffers a lot, such as physical damages, behavioral changes and mind damages. Moreover, victim loses her self-confidence which will lead loss of future to the victim if victim tries to seek revenge. Furthermore, victims of such crimes commit suicide, which is unacceptable for the family of the victim. A physical attack on infants and children ruins their childhood, leading problems of education, distress, and loss of self-esteem. Continuing the discussion it also causes many social problems in the society as well as the country. This includes, women’s and children living in fear, spread of dangerous diseases such as HIV, murders and many more. Finally, in my opinion a rapist does not deserve to live, as I believe that raping is equal to the murder and an action to stop such people should be taken seriously.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Jaguar Land Rover Essay

Jaguar and Land Rover are two of the world’s most iconic luxury brands. Every day they’re reaching more customers, and their network of well over 2,000 dealerships continues to expand around the world. As their global marketplace extends further, they need to provide more customers than ever before with an unrivalled experience. Their fast paced environment is one where you can swim free in a pool full of sharks. You’ll be instrumental in protecting their heritage and unique brand values, but also making sure that their brands continue to grow, develop and seize attention worldwide. The Jaguar Cars and Land Rover businesses were first united under a single entity by Ford Motor Company in 2002. In 2006 Ford purchased the Rover brand name and logos from BMW for around  £6 million. This reunited the Rover and Land Rover brands for the first time since the Rover group was broken up by BMW in 2000 Their advertisement skills are very top notch. They show their vehicle in a tough environment to show the pure strength of the vehicle and show that it is capable of any task. They make the Jaguar Land Rover seem fast and dynamic with certain shots to persuade the viewer to buy such a beautiful vehicle. Jaguar Land rover is owned by Dr Ralf Speth. He is the chief director of the company. Sales – In the year ended 31 March 2011, Jaguar Land Rover sold a total of 240,905 units, of which 189,087 were Land Rovers and 51,818 were Jaguars. In that period 24.1% of sales were in the United Kingdom, 22% in Europe (excluding the United Kingdom and Russia), 20.9% in North America, 12% in China, 4.9% in Russia and 15.9% in the rest of the world. In the year ended 31 March 2012, Jaguar Land Rover sold a total of 305,859 units, of which 251,632 were Land Rovers and 54,227 were Jaguar In that period 22% of sales were in Europe (excluding the United Kingdom and Russia), 19.6% in the United Kingdom, 19.0% in North America, 16.7% in China, 4.2% in Asia Pacific (excluding China) and 19.0% in the rest of the  world

Friday, November 8, 2019

Rubella Virus Essays - RTT, Rubella, Pediatrics, Vaccines

Rubella Virus Essays - RTT, Rubella, Pediatrics, Vaccines Rubella Virus (German Measles) Biology 201A Anatomy & Physiology I Professor Debra Dutton August 1, 2012 Introduction Rubella infections in the United States are reported in people who are all mostly foreign-born or unimmunized. These reported rubella cases are right now at a record low levels; however, outbreaks and cases have struck, mainly between the unvaccinated foreign-born adults. This is the one of the reasons why Filipinos traveling abroad and or back to their native homeland of the Philippines should use precaution by getting vaccinated with the rubella vaccine prior to traveling to the Philippines. The Philippines is still a rising and evolving country that lacks a basic healthcare access in most of the rural areas, which also generally lacks a rubella vaccination program. History The Rubella virus is the causative agent of the disease rubella. The earliest possible description of rubella dates back to when the clinical manifestations of the disease were described by two German physicians, de Bergan in 1752 and Orlow in 1758. During that period of time, the disease was considered to be an outgrowth of measles. They were also known as German measles. German physician George de Maton, documented the disease as distinct from measles in 1814. Henry Veale, a British Army surgeon later renamed rubella (from the Latin word red) after the distinct red, rash-like symptoms. In 1881, rubella was formally recognized as a distinct individual entity. Etiology Rubella Virus is the only member of the genus Rubivirus and is from the family Togaviridae. The typically only known hosts of this virus are humans. The virus is covered by a lipid membrane and has a positive-stranded single RNA genome. Chemical agents, low pH, heat, and cold readily inactivate the Rubella virus. Cell-mediated immunity develops 2 to 4 weeks after infection and hemagglutination inhibition. Neutralizing antibodies directed against the virus peak at approximately 4 weeks. After infection to rubella, immunity usually persists for life. Transmission Rubella is transmitted from human to human only by direct or droplet contact with infected body fluids. Most commonly are nasopharyngeal secretions. Patients cam shed infectious virus from 7 to 30 days after infection (from 1 week before to 2 weeks after the beginning of the rash). The average incubation period for the virus is about 14 days (ranges from 2 to 23 days). During this period, the virus replicates in the nasopharynx and local lymph nodes and then spreads hematogenously throughout the entire body. Most women who contract rubella during the first trimester of pregnancy, have a greater risk of passing the virus on to their baby congenitally. Babies who obtain the rubella virus congenitally are at risk for Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS) and may result in serious birth defects. Diagnosis The most common method of confirming the diagnosis of rubella is through a serological titer. Acute rubella infection can be serologically confirmed by a significant rise in rubella antibody titer in acute and convalescent serum specimens or by the presence of serum rubella IgM. Rubella virus can be isolated from throat, nasal, urine, blood and cerebrospinal fluid specimens from rubella and Congenital Rubella Syndrome cases. Symptoms Children and adults with the rubella infection may begin with 1-2 days with a low-grade fever (1010 or lower), swollen glands behind the ears or in the neck, and can possibly have upper respiratory infection before they start developing a rash. The red rash usually starts at the face and works its way progressing towards the extremities. Children with rubella usually exhibit just the red rash starting at the face progressing down the body. Adult women with the red rash exhibit stiffness and pain in the wrist, knee joints and finger, which usually lasts a month. Other symptoms in adults include: headache, tiredness, pinkeye, and muscle and body aches. Symptoms of rubella may not be present at all, even if infected with the rubella virus. A pregnant woman who develops rubella, but has no rubella symptoms, may still pose a threat for her baby developing serious Congenital Rubella Syndrome symptoms. The Consequences of rubella infection include: Stillbirths, abortions, and miscarriages. Problems that can occur because of CRS include: cataracts, deafness, mental retardation, pneumonia, heart defects, and spleen and liver damage. Treatment Treatment of rubella generally consists of fluids, rest, and medication. No treatment will shorten the course of rubella infection.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Position of Nicht in German Sentences

The Position of 'Nicht' in German Sentences In German, the position of nicht (not) in a sentence is quite simple and straightforward. You have to keep in mind a few points, and  nicht will fall right into place. Nicht as an Adverb Nicht is an adverb, so you will always find it either before or after a verb, adjective or fellow adverb. It usually precedes an adverb or an adjective, but it likes to settle after conjugated verbs. (So think the opposite of English.) Example: Ich trinke nicht meine Limonade. (Im not drinking my lemonade.) Nicht and Declarative Sentences On the other hand, nicht likes to travel all the way to the end of a sentence at times. This happens most often with declarative sentences. Example A sentence with just a subject and verb:  Sie arbeitet nicht. (She is not working.)  A sentence with a direct object (mir):  Er hilft mir nicht. (He doesnt help me.)   The same applies with simple yes/no questions. For example:  Gibt der Schà ¼ler dem Lehrer die Leseliste nicht? (Is the student not giving the reading list to the teacher?) Nicht and Separable and Compound Verbs With verbs, nicht will bounce around a bit depending on the type of verb.   Nicht will be positioned right before a verb prefix in a sentence containing a separable verb. For example:  Wir gehen heute nicht einkaufen. (We are not going shopping today.)Nicht will be positioned right before an infinitive or infinitives that are part of a verbal combination. For example:  Du sollst nicht schlafen. (You should not sleep.) Another example: Du wirst jetzt nicht schlafen gehen. (You are not going to sleep now.) Nicht and Adverbs of Time The adverbs of time that have chronological logic to them will usually be followed by nicht. These are adverbs such as gestern (yesterday), heute (today), morgen (tomorrow), frà ¼her (earlier), and  spter (later). Example:  Sie ist gestern nicht mitgekommen.  (She did not come along yesterday.) Contrarily, adverbs of time that do not have a chronological logic to them will be preceded by nicht. Example:  Er wird nicht sofort kommen. (He will not come right away.) With all other adverbs, nicht is usually positioned directly before them. Example:  Simone fhrt nicht langsam genug. (Simone doesnt drive slow enough.) Summary of Rules Nicht will usually follow:  Adverbs that can be organized chronologically. Nicht  will usually precede: adverbs of time that cannot be organized chronologicallyall other adverbsverbsseparable verb prefixverb infinitivesadjectivesprepositional phrases

Sunday, November 3, 2019

To What Extent Does a Director's Duty Under Section 175 Companies Act Essay

To What Extent Does a Director's Duty Under Section 175 Companies Act 2006 Continue Post-Resignation - Essay Example The Company Act 2006 brought up a statutory code of general duties of directors; this introduction was appearing in the UK’s Company law for the first time. The main purpose of this legislation was to enhance the general understanding of the legal duties of directors. The duties of the directors established in the Act are based on certain equitable principles and common law rules. The interpretation of the statutory duties in the future is required to be according to the development of those principles of case law.2 The director’s duties are not owed to the shareholders but rather to the company. The Act stipulates the duty of each director to include: a duty to foster company’s success as the director deems it in good faith; a duty for the director to avoid any conflicts of interest; a duty of non-acceptance of benefits such as secret commissions and bribes; a duty to act within the terms of powers granted under the constitution of the company; a duty to exercis e reasonable diligence, skill, and care; a duty to declare any interests in the company’s transactions; and a duty to effect independent judgment.3 . In addition, the Act incorporates expressly long-standing equitable doctrines in order to provide remedies for director’s breach of duties, as noted for example in the case of Boardman v Phipps.4 Of most interest in this discussion is section 175 of Companies Act 2006. In reference to section 175 Companies Act 2006, this discussion will consider the extent to which a director’s duty will continue post-resignation. In particular, section 175 of the Companies Act 2006 deals with the director’s duties concerning conflict of interest (actual and potential). The main rationale of this provision is to codify the subsisting principles of case law and to develop parallel principles to the existing ones. Section 175 (1) state that a company director must avoid situations in which he has, or can have, conflicts of int erest either directly or indirectly, or this interest and that of the company may conflict. Section 175 (2) provides that the duty to avoid conflicts of interest applies particularly to the exploitation of any opportunity, information, or property.5 However, section 175(3) provides that this duty shall not apply to conflicts of interest arising from an arrangement or transaction with the company. Additionally, section 175(4) states that this duty will not be considered infringed if: the directors have authorised the matter or the circumstances cannot be reasonable considered as giving rise to conflicts of interest. In section 175(5), the Act provides that the directors may give the authorisation in the following situations: where the company is a public constitution and the provision enabling authorisation by the directors is contained in its constitution, or where the company is a private company and its constitution does not validate authorisation of matter. Besides, section 175(6 ) states that authorisation can be effective if: agreement to the matter was made without voting or its agreement could have

Friday, November 1, 2019

Re-negotiations in PPP Transport Infrastructure Essay

Re-negotiations in PPP Transport Infrastructure - Essay Example The paper tells that there is the tendency of national governments to incorporate the public-private partnerships (PPP) to provide and upgrade infrastructures, as well as public services. Talk of light rails, upgraded electric railway system, mainland road and main highways, as well as port facilities, are just but some of the projects the private sector is getting substantially involved in, conjunction with the public and local authorities to enhance service delivery in the transport system. Majority of these engagements are made effective via a group of diverse companies and contractual concessions. According to Smith the Principal refers to the one responsible for granting a concession and the ultimate owner of the facility after transfer. They are mostly government agencies, or regulate monopolies. On the other hand, the promoter is the organization that is granted the concession to build, own, operate and transfer a facility. In the course of project contractual engagements and project work, the companies and contractual concessions are faced by serious shortcomings calling for renegotiations. According to Estache and Rus, one crucial consideration that is made during the drafting of a concession contract, is that, during all probability of the life of contract, some unpredicted circumstances will arise forcing the parties of the contract to renegotiate. The statement is truly relevant in cases of concession contracts. The logic behind this is due to the long period of the contract, thus making it anticipate all possible contingencies unfeasible for either of the parties. On the same note, unforeseen contingencies also occur as a result of concession contracts for port facilities and relate to expensive fixed assets that are easily removable and redeployed to a different location (Gomez-Ibanez and Meyer 1993). Renegotiations occur in developing and developed countries alike. Gomez-Inbanez and Meyer (1993) analysed transport concessions in industrialised co untries and made out that renegotiations are remarkably common. Renegotiation of a concession contract is probably the rule and not the exception, and they should not be perceived as a failure (Peter, Kuyper and Candolle 1995). Due to concession contracts being essentially long-life documents, the parties are not in a position to foresee all possible future contingencies at the moment of the contract drafting. Thereby, this should be noted in advance, and the parties ought to consider several future conflict scenarios and put in place provisions for inclusion of at least basic renegotiations rules. Nevertheless, it is critical for the concessionaire to avoid renegotiation at an early stage as it may place in jeopardy the credibility, transparency, and fairness of the bidding process (Estache and Rus 2000). Contracts are mainly renegotiated within a few years after official contractual signing and results into better contractual terms for the contract holders (promoters). The princip le and the promoter are crucial entities in the signing and effectual implementation of the contracts to the project (Smith 2002). This paper aims at evaluating the principle and the promoter in renegotiations regarding public-private partnerships concession contracts, in regard to transport infrastructure. Further, equitable renegotiations are imperative to the realisation of the completion of the project in question. This paper also aims at evaluating how to achieve equitable renegotiations, which offer superb value to both the principle and promoter. The contractual renegotiation is effective in the reduction of contract incompetence; conversely, a poor design of these can allow for opportunistic behavior by the concessionaries. Thus, there is