Monday, June 10, 2019

Business Information System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business Information System - Essay ExampleTherefore, emphasising the long-standing role of technology for the marketers, the primeval intention of this essay is to critically assess the problems faced by the Chacha Hotel assemblage (henceforth Chacha) due to the ineffective use of information organization. Moreover, the essay also focuses on providing a valid proposal associated with developing Computer-based Information System (CIS), which can enable Chacha to effectively deal with the corresponding issues and ensure the organisation to achieve the expected private-enterprise(a) advantages over its rivals. Brief Analysis of the Case and Assessing Problems Experienced by Chacha Hotel Group Brief Information about the Organisation Established in the year 1962, the Chacha Hotel Group represents a chain of hotels that served across the different growing markets including Cardiff, Berlin and Amsterdam. The competitive strategy of the group has always been focused to ensure utmost sat isfaction of the globose clients with the compliance of adequate monitoring process of the workforces performance. Since the presence of the organisation in the competitive hotel industry, Chacha tends to market and promote its range of services with flyers and offering advertisements on the local newspapers and magazines. Due to the lack of compliance persisting in the technological advancements, the organisation has been identified to face numerous challenges from its numbers of global competitors principally incorporating advanced information and technological aspects. To sum up, the organisation has been facing significant threats from its global competitors to attract a feasible number of clients. With respect to the notification of the case, it has been critically identified that the melodic phrase operations, such booking services and different marketing and promotional activities are directly performed by Chacha through its travel agencies and opposite relevant media channels, strategically to involve information and technological features. In relation to its booking service, the organisation tends to perform through the help of travel agencies or through phone. Although the hotels of Chacha incorporate computer system only to perform different administrative works, it has also been witnessed that a lack of interconnection between each computer system across the different business units of the organisation persists, which has been the productive performance of the entire construct. Problems Currently Experienced by Chacha With reference to an in-depth understanding of the case, it has been critically identified that the business functions of Chacha has been facing different challenges due to its inappropriate use of information system and lack of using computer-based information system facilities. Few of the major problems faced by the group can be characterised into various types. Booking and Reservation Problem The fundamental information cont ained within the computers has been identifi

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