Sunday, August 18, 2019

My Philosophy of Teaching :: Philosophy of Education

Philosophy of Education Having graduated from a public school system, I feel my experiences and opinions are not only first hand, but they are something I should always try to consider when thinking about or dealing with my own students. As every student has, I have had great teachers as well as terrible ones; some of those teachers everyone loved or hated, and other received varied opinions about themselves from their students. The student teacher relationship is something that is unavoidable, as it should be. The reason I am pursuing teaching as my profession is because I understand that children need someone in their lives to make a difference, and if I could be that someone for only a handful of my own students, I will have succeeded. I view teaching as being more than simply showing a child how to read-as important as that is-teaching is also about showing a child the importance of self. Without self-esteem, self-discipline and self-control, there would not be many people who could make it successfully in today’s world. And if I’m successful in teaching children how to read, as well as something important about themselves, I will have helped some kids survive as adults. I don’t care anything about being the teacher that everyone thinks is so cool and loves, nor do I want to be the one that everyone hates. What I do want to be is a teacher that is respected by my students because I have been fair and have given each of them a chance to pass and succeed. I want my students to trust me. I want them to know that I am not perfect and realize that none of them are, but I do hope that they realize that I do expect from them what I would expect from my self if I were one of my own students. Knowledge of subject is next on my list of importance. I know how important it is for my self to be knowledgeable about the subject I am teaching; but no matter how much I know my students will only learn what I teach to them successfully.

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