Monday, September 23, 2019

Trust Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Trust - Essay Example Marketing scandals have marred the industries of Asia, with citizens and consumers ending up cynically viewing the way industries there portray products. The general consensus amongst citizens of Asia (mainly Pakistan, India and Srilanka) is that marketers can sell them anything for a profit. There is also the unanimous agreement that the strict implementation of consumer rights laws in Canada is the reason for most companies working alongside ethical standards; which gives citizens ample reason to believe everything companies tell them about products. (Global corporate comparisons, 2010) Agricultural Finance Services Corporation is at present rated to be the best company both employer-wise and also social-service wise. The work atmosphere at AFSC is extremely well maintained; with high a degree of communication between the management and employees. Employee engagement programs are carried out, with each employee receiving individual performance reviews. As a corporation, AFSC has been rated to be involved in community work above-average. Every year, the company and its employees support countless charities and social working groups, and donate to helping charitable organizations in need. This drastically raises the company’s standing in the eye of the society. (Top Employers, AFSC 2011) Rated number second in Canada’s top employers, the work atmosphere at Agrium is said to be above average. High communication is maintained between the management and the employees via corporate newsletter, corporate internet site, and traditional and email suggestion boxes respectively. Aside from annual individual reviews of each employee’s performance in the corporation, employees are also encouraged to provide their own feedback with respect to the management – and in full confidence. This builds and maintains trust within the organization, which reflects on the ever-watching society. With an above-average community development involvement,

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