Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Consumer Behavior in Restaurant Sales-Free-Samples for Students

Question: How Consumers behavior help to increase Sale or decrease Sale for restaurant. Answer: Introduction The following research will be based on the role of customers on the increase and decrease of sales in a restaurant. The researcher has chosen the topic as part of his project to highlight the importance of customer behavior and customer satisfaction in the modern marketing world. Operating a restaurant is one of the most challenging jobs in the modern business world. A shift in the consumer patterns have led to an increase in the number of people that are coming to restaurants. The number of restaurants has been on a rise since the last 20 years which have made it easier for the people to have more and more options to eat. People are now more sensible to health and nutrition and thus they are selective when choosing restaurants. The changing demands of customers are making life hard for the owners as they have to maintain all the parameters to attract more customers and maintain their supremacy in the market. The fact that restaurants totally depends on customers makes it hard for t hem as absence of customers will lead to permanent shutdown. Research Problem The contemporary changes that have been changing the outlook of the modern day eateries provide strong evidence on the ability of the hotels to react according to the demands of the customers (Jin 2015). As mentioned earlier customer forms the backbone of the restaurants and thus they need to satisfy them to earn quality profits from the business. However presence of a number of different problems has crippled the growth of many restaurants. Some problems include inability to meet the demands of the customers, financial problems, improving the customer relationship management processes, Pest problems, Hygienic problems and many more as such. The restaurants generally concentrate more on improving the quality of the food that they serve to the customers. This removes their concentration from other elements like maintaining the hygienic conditions of the house and cleaning the eatery regularly (Ivanov 2014). Modern customers generally turn away from such restaurants who fail to address such concerns. Focus of the Study Research Purpose The main aim of the research is to analyze the role of customers in the increase or decrease of the sales of the restaurant. The customers are believed to be the main focus for a restaurant. The research will be exploring all the possibilities and options to study the role that customers play in the growth of a restaurant (Swimberghe and Wooldridge 2014). The researcher will be providing a clear picture that will highlight the importance of conducting such a research. Research Questions The researcher has created a set of questions which will be presented before a group of participants from various restaurants. The question prepared by the researcher has tried to cover all the necessary details that help to come to a conclusion regarding the following research. The questions prepared by the researcher are; What is the role of Customers in a restaurant? How Customer Behavior affects the sales of the restaurant? What are the negative effects of Consumer behavior over restaurants? What are the main ways by which restaurants can influence customer Behaviors and can increase their sales in the process? Literature Review The research is based on the role that customers play on the increase or decrease of sales of the eatery houses. Every owner of the restaurants loves to have a set group of customers who become common and familiar faces of the restaurant (Sekaran and Bougie 2016). Taking care of such customers creates a ripple effect as those customers can bring in new customers by mentioning about the name of the restaurant to others. Thus the dedicated repeat customers are the most powerful assets of the organization. The customers can also be provided with discount coupons and some other benefits so that they can be frequent visitors to the restaurant. Therefore this highlights the importance of a customer to the organization. The more satisfied is the customer, the more is the profit of the organization (Tsai and Chintagunta 2015). Research Methodology The researcher has followed a traditional method to complete the following research that will find out the role of customers in the increase or decrease of the revenue of restaurants (Tsai and Chintagunta 2015). At the beginning he will be providing a literature review on the following subject after which he will be providing information regarding the report from his collection from primary as well as secondary sources. Sampling Though the research is based on all the restaurants globally, it is not possible for the researcher alone to travel to every parts of the world and carry out his research and survey works. Therefore the researcher has focused on collecting the research information by limiting the sample size according to the demography. A small representative sample will make it easier to serve the purpose of the research. Size of the Sample The researcher has selected a sample size of 25 individuals among which 10 is from managers level while the rest 15 will be from the employees. The size of the sample and the people selected as the sample are chosen carefully after receiving all the information of these people. Method of Sampling The researcher in this following project has used the random method of sampling to complete all his research. Research Instrument Questionnaires are a set of different questions that are presented to the participants of the interview in a written, printed or in the form of answering them online. The questions are all multiple choice questions with five different selections as the answers (Boons and Ldeke 2013). The questionnaires are prepared by the researcher is based on different questions related to the subject. The list of questionnaires prepared by the researcher is listed in the appendix below. Collection of Information Collecting necessary information that is genuine and authentic helps to make the research compact and flawless (Rhou et al. 2016). The collection of data is believed to be the most crucial part of the total research and thus the researcher has to be careful and alert to assemble all the genuine sources of data that helps to make the research meaningful. The information is divided into two types namely primary and secondary information. Primary Information- Primary information is referred to as the set of the information that is collected at the beginning of the research. It is the firsthand evidence collected by the researcher about the research topic on restaurants increase or decrease in sales due to consumer behavior (Line et al. 2016). The researcher has also used some published materials in his research to gather more and more resources. Primary sources generally include; Autobiographies Personal letters Internet communications, blogs Photographs, Drawings Public Opinions Questionnaires Interviews The researcher in this research has however taken the help of interviews and questionnaires as the primary sources of information. Secondary Information- Secondary sources of information can be defined as the set of information that defines, analyzes and evaluates the primary sources of information. The secondary sources are much more reliable than the primary sources of information and help to formulate the best possible research results (Lu et al. 2013). The collection of secondary information will cost much less to the researcher as he can take the help of other non expensive sources that can help in the formation of the research. The secondary source of information is collected in a much lesser time by the researcher as he can easily collect some magazines and books that deals with restaurants. He can get such books from different restaurants and food magazines. This helps the researcher to get hold of the real time data which is much more accurate than the primary source of information (Line et al. 2016). The information has been obtained after consulting with a large scale sample size from a large number o f restaurants which is obviously much larger than the smaller sample size that the researcher will use as his primary resource. The following information is also influential in formulating the research hypothesis. Some of the secondary sources used by the researcher are; Restaurant magazines Food Journals Government records Popular surveys on Customer behavior towards restaurant Both primary and secondary sources of information are useful for the conduction of the research. Absence of any of the two compromises with the quality of the research (Lu et al. 2013) Ethical Considerations Ethical Considerations is one of the main elements of a research. Existence of ethics while conducting the research is critical to the success of the research (Babin and Zikmund 2015). Conducting the research without considering ethics spells doom for the research or the dissertation. Some ethical considerations that are undertaken by the researcher are as follows; The researcher must not harm the research participants in any way while conducting the research. The researcher must maintain the dignity of the research participants and should consider it as one of the topmost priorities. The researcher should not disclose the identity of the researcher in any circumstance and must keep it confidential. The researcher should also not disclose the responses of any participants to others and must not disclose their identity to others. While conducting the research the researcher should prepare a proper schedule for the interviews. Before the start of the research the researcher must obtain the permission of the researcher. The researcher must obtain the permission of the authorities of the restaurants before conducting the research. The researcher must display the original facts and responses in his project and should not publish any false statements. The researcher must maintain honesty during the conduction of the research. The research must take place within a proper communication channel to ensure the research is flawless and free of glitches. Gantt chart/Timeline Conclusion The research on the role of customer is one of the main topics that has been not studied for many years. The choice of such an excellent topic as the research will add extra dimensions to some other similar studies on this very subject. Therefore it can be concluded that the researcher have proposed to conduct the research according to some basic rules and regulations. References Babin, B.J. and Zikmund, W.G., 2015.Exploring marketing research. Cengage Learning. Boons, F. and Ldeke-Freund, F., 2013. 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